I love where I work; not just because Long & McQuade is a great place to work, it's the
people I work with. We consider ourselves like a great big family, and treat each other the same way.
So, picture your family with about 15 or so big brothers, all musicians. Yep. That's my 'family'! And I couldn't ask for a better one. It helps that we all like each other, which makes coming to work that much more fun.
We just came from a recently planned social event, an evening of pizza, beer and Cosmic Bowling! It also just happens to be the day before my birthday! (Of course, wanting to keep this a low-key birthday, I was glad there wasn't a lot of attention brought to it, just a couple of 'Happy Birthday, Cassman!') We had a great time, and a lot of 'goofballs' and 'gutterballs' toboot. Nick won the game on our team, and was primarily behind the lens taking these great pictures. I'm sorry I didn't get any of you in action, honey!
My bowling shoes, burgundy and pink. Oh, the inspirations!
Nick's enjoying the space-age swivel chairs.
Jenna has joined us after her climb up the CN Tower for cancer research! She was just a cheerleader for the evening.
Graham and Beej, 'nuff said.